Due Mondo-The Beauty and Sorrow of Lu Ying-Chang


May., 01, 2017  –  Jun.,  30, 2017


You and I
Day and Night
Adventure and Searching
Cheerful and Depressed
Blossom and Fade
Running and Dazing 
Reunited and Separated

Torn between two worlds……..However, we are always together

                                                                            -LU Ying-Chang

Lu’s works are numerous little worlds of family memories built around his beloved family members. The eye-catching white, the clear outline and the bright color carried by his painting, express a joyful and pleasant atmosphere of children’s tenderness and nativity. The repeated appearances of similar animal symbols represent the artist himself and his family. Lu’s painting is an isolated planet where he lives with all his lifelong beloved ones. The multi-layered spaces continuously unfold countless ever lasting paradises that is bound to neither Father Time, nor decay and collapse of physical law.