Video|Daniel Arsham ‘Relics of Kanto Through Time’ is coming soon

May. 30. 2020

Relics of Kanto Through Time

美國知名藝術家 Daniel Arsham 於日本 NANZUKA Gallery 大展即將開始,此次展覽 “Relics of Kanto Through Time” 以 Pokémon 寶可夢系列為主題。自稱「來自未來的考古學家」,藝術家Daniel Arsham 結合以往創作理念,假如數百年後被挖出的這些精靈,會是什麼樣子? 除了今年四月藝術家與寶可夢推出限量版數雕塑,NANZUKA也預先釋出多款新作。

“Relics of Kanto Through Time” 展覽開展前就已掀起熱度,因應冠狀病毒,此次展覽採預約制,一次最多可容納10人。

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Relics of Kanto Through TimeRelics of Kanto Through Time
Relics of Kanto Through TimeRelics of Kanto Through Time
Relics of Kanto Through TimeRelics of Kanto Through Time
Relics of Kanto Through Time