藝術家獨特的塗鴉式創作,融合東西方潮流元素,除了曾與其他藝術家George Condo、Tracey Emin、Jean-Michel Basquiat、Keith Haring、村上隆、Damien Hirst等人一同展出過,2020也將與日本大師村上隆、色盲藝術家 Daniel Arsham、以鑽牆鑿出巨型壁畫聞名的葡萄牙藝術家 Vhils,共同在香港 2020 Art Basel展出。
藝術家獨特的塗鴉式創作,融合東西方潮流元素,除了曾與其他藝術家George Condo、Tracey Emin、Jean-Michel Basquiat、Keith Haring、村上隆、Damien Hirst等人一同展出過,明年也將與日本大師村上隆、色盲藝術家 Daniel Arsham、以鑽牆鑿出巨型壁畫聞名的葡萄牙藝術家 Vhils,共同在香港 2020 Art Basel展出。
將自身經歷融入於作品之中,喬治總有源源不絕的創作靈感。他熱愛前往像是印度、南美、中東和東亞等地方旅行,因為旅行能激發他創新的本質,讓他得以創造出兼具個人色彩與高度感染力的作品。當談到他的創造力受到哪些藝術家所鼓動時,喬治毫不猶豫地點出Albert Oehlen、George Condo和Cy Twombly,這些藝術家作品的共通點都是善用極簡概念與造型構圖。
喬治的創作生涯中已累積了許多亮眼的成績,其中又以幾項超群表現襯托出他的非凡天賦。為了幫助癌症患者籌募資金,他的作品在2013年Macmillan De’Longhi藝術拍賣會上成功被拍賣,同時參與這場拍賣會的其他作品也來自各方藝術界名人,例如:Damien Hirst和Tracey Emin。同時,他還曾與佳士得合作拍賣一幅畫作以幫助印度齋浦爾感染愛滋病毒的兒童。2018年在黎巴嫩首都貝魯特舉辦的一次大型展覽中,他的展出作品全數售出,共計24件作品歸落於世界各地的著名收藏。同年秋天,喬治與知名地毯品牌Knots Rugs合作,以藝術家的作品為基底製作精緻地毯。
- Solo Show, Opera Gallery, Miami, USA
- Wynwood Art Fair, Eternity Gallery, Miami, USA
- Palm Beach Art Fair, Eternity Gallery, Florida, USA
- Duo Show, Eternity Gallery, Paris, France
- Heart & Soul Auction, Paddle 8, London, UK
- Rankin x WaterAid Project, London, UK
- Art Tokyo, JPS Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
- Solo Show, JPS Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
- Group Show, JPS Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
- Solo show, Gin Huang Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan
- “GIN HUANG Gallery Taichung”, Gin Huang Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan.
- KIAF art fair Seoul, GGallery, South Korea
- Group show, Mirus Gallery, Denver, USA
- Solo Show, Gin Huang Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
- Art Hamptons, Eternity Gallery, The Bridgehampton Museum, USA
- Art New York, Eternity Gallery, New York, USA
- Group show, Artual Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon
- Miami Open, Eternity Gallery, Miami, USA
- Art Wynwood, Opera gallery, Miami, USA
- Art Basel, Miami
- Urban Poetry, Opera Gallery, Dubai
- Beirut Art Fair, Artual Gallery, Beirut
- Group show, Opera Gallery, Singapore
- Group show, Artual, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, Africa
- Moniker Art Fair, New York, USA
- Group show, Artual gallery, Beirut
- Artual, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, Africa
- Arms Around The Child with Christies Auction house, London
- Discerning Eye, Mall Galleries, London
- Summer Exhibition, Maddox Gallery, London
- Knots Rugs, London, Chelsea, Nepalese hand made of a rug selected painting
- Design Week in Lebanon, Group
- MARR x George Morton-Clark Clothing line with MARR London, Collaboration
- Group Show Spring, Vertes Modern, Switzerland, Group
- Group Show Winter, Vertes Modern, Switzerland, Group
- Contemporary Painters, Vertes modern, Zurich, Group
- Virtue Of Fools, Galerie Flash, Munich, Group
- Stroke Art fair, Galerie Flash, Munich, Group
- Art Guitars, Cuckoo Club Regent Street, London, Group
- Seven Deadly Sins, Unit gallery, London, Group
- he Devil’s Cabinet, Imitate Modern gallery, London, Solo
- All You Need Is Art, Galerie Flash, Munich, Group
- UTOPIA, Unit Gallery, London, Group
- The UNIT, London, Group
- DADA’S Little Bitch, London, Group
- London Portraits, Galerie Flash, Munich, Group
- Macmillan Cancer Auction, London, Group
- International Music Summit, Ibiza, Group
- The Multiple Sclerosis Society 60 years Auction, Bristol, UK Group
- MARR x George Morton-Clark Clothing line with MARR London, Collaboration
- Group Show Spring, Vertes Modern, Switzerland, Group
- Group Show Winter, Vertes Modern, Switzerland, Group